Friday, February 1, 2013


"if you were happy with the wrong one, how much more when you find the right one"
such a thought, I cant seem to get over with..
is it really true?
I tend to believe for a long time that whenever you're happy,
you're on the right path,and pain is just part of growing up…

in love, they say that if u feel pain..
means that you're doing it right..
does it always have to be that ironic??
cant it be as simple as..
"were inlove..and were happy"?

how stupid can we get to think that,
we can dictate other people how to make their lives more useful.
us ourselves doesn’t even know how to handle ours..
coz only He up there knows what will happen next..
if we think were doing it right today, how about tomorrow??
will it be the same as today..?

we keep on pushing the person who will move mountains for us.
and ran after the one who ignores us..
we embrace the existence of the person who doesn’t even know we exist..
one particular person said..
"because unconsciously we enjoy being hurt"

at some point, we get hurt and do things
which will apparently turn into our biggest regrets
letting go of something that complicates you isn't always the best option.
sometimes, its just us who makes it complicated,
same as, waiting for the right time isn't always the right thing to do..
it always depends on your perspective..
everyday could be the day for the best thing to happen..

do you know that by neglecting someone,
you are also teaching them how to enjoy??
not with you of course, but with the company of others…
and then realizes at the end that you need that person..
but to late to take them back..
because they've found the place where they were appreciated and given value..

humans were ambitious..
they crave for something bigger than what they have..
its not wrong to have ambitions..
it motivates you to work is your aim..your goal..
but learn to appreciate little things in life..
analyze every detail and consequences of your action.
value small things before appreciating big ones..
"realize first..before its too late"
its way better than "too late before you realize"

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