Wednesday, December 25, 2013

What's FriendZone?? and how to Get Out of it??

Me nauuso na namang bago..Friend Zone ang tawag nila..
I was curious,so i made a few research..

based on Urban Dictionary:
It is what you attain after you fail to impress a woman you're attracted to. Usually initiated by the woman saying, "You're such a Good Friend". Usually associated with long days of suffering and watching your love interest hop from one bad relationship to another.

tsk,a situation a guy wouldn't want to experience. But believe it or not,once you're there, you dont know what to do,how to get out and how to react.

here's another one from Wikipedia,
In popular culture, the "friend zone" refers to a platonic relationship wherein one person wishes to enter into a romantic or sexual relationship, while the other does not. It is generally considered to be an undesirable situation by the lovelorn person. One sign of being friend zoned is being told that they are "considering" the relationship, or if a friend needs to help by asking for them. Once the friend zone is established, it is difficult to move beyond that point in a relationship for fear of losing the friendship entirely.

exactly,you don't know how to separate yourself from that person for the reason that one step forward might ruin the relationship and a step backward might do the same choices at all..

yet its not the end of the world for you! i found a very interesting fact whilst doing a little research.
it says "How To Escape The FriendZone"

step 1
Break the "nice guy" or "sweet girl" stereotype

Most guys and girls who find themselves in the "friend zone" are usually susceptible to many of the characteristics of the "nice guy" or "sweet girl" stereotype. This means pretty much someone who wants to avoid making other people uncomfortable at any cost, but does so usually at their own expense by not communicating their own needs. Where you're romantically attracted to someone, but you don't want to "pressure" them into a relationship, or "ruin" the friendship by expressing your interest or making a move, you'll end up holding back in a variety of ways.

step 2
Stop being needy.
One of the reasons you might be interested in this person more than they're into you is because you are giving off signals that you really want to be in a relationship! You might be coming off as a little desperate, which is quite the attraction killer. You might be rushing things emotionally and maybe physically.You might also be placing this person on a pedestal, because you're so caught up in the idea of the relationship, that you're quick to assume this person is "perfect".

step 3
Think about the difference between a friendship and a romantic relationship.
you think a romantic relationship should just be a great friendship with physical intimacy thrown into the mix, then it's understandable to look for common ground first, and wait for the physical attraction to kick in sooner or later. But not everyone sees relationships this way. Some people expect a "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" to play a particular role in their lives in order for physical attraction to emerge. The person who you want to be more than friends with probably makes a bigger distinction between "friend" and "romantic partner" than you do. Realize that many people (both male and female) expect to be courted in some way. And many psychological issues play out in the relationship arena that don't ever arise in friendships. Some people, for example, look for a romantic partner who can play more of a parental role than a friend would.

step 4

Break the touch barrier.
For many people, a big distinction between "friendship" and "relationship" is the way they touch. There are platonic ways to touch someone, and romantic ways, and the boundary is different for different people. But if you're terrified of touching someone the wrong way, to the extent that you hesitate and never touch them first, your intentions may be good but your "touch paralysis" isn't helping you at all in the romantic department. Take a few little "touch risks". Reach for their hands, hair, shoulders, ankles, and back. Don't just always wait for them to do it first. If they don't like it, they'll definitely let you know. But touching someone communicates to them that you find them attractive, and also that you're reasonably confident. Both of these things can make someone feel more attracted to you.

step 5

Realize that you're "tying up" your feelings by staying friends with someone who isn't romantically interested in you.
In the instance where you've already followed the previous steps and you've left your pushover habits behind, you've stepped up to role that he or she is looking for in a relationship, and you've crossed the touch barrier, but this person still wants to be "just friends", you'll need to make some hard decisions. Maybe they're simply not attracted to you, for reasons you'll never know. But you still have feelings for them. Is it wise to continue spending time with them?

if we are really determined to get out,we can try to do this things. Life is fair,its you who makes your life unfair. don't just settle for less.
i guess its best if you just take the friendship down to the level of acquaintance. Or else just simply let it go, what does friendship can do if your hurting badly with his/her every action.
Don't be scared to let go of something that makes you feel that your not being valued. Friends were everywhere.If you were true and honest,true friends were just easy to find.


here's the exact page for the "how to Escape the Friendzone" :

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